We went into Kampala today with the hopes of receiving our written order so that we could meet with the Commissioner, a necessary step in procuring our passport. For the second day in a row, we went into Kampala with no success. The good news, however, is that Suzanne did get to tie up all loose ends and was able to get on the plane knowing that she had done all that she could to insure that Josie would be taken care of while she was back in the States. Our prayer is that Josie will be ready to come home soon. In the meantime, she is in excellent hands in Uganda. I know that when Suzanne and Mike see their little girl again, they will be shocked at how much she has changed. I know this to be true because of the change that I have already witnessed medicine and a mama’s love make in just two short weeks. It truly is a miracle.
Today when I saw Suzanne holding Josie for the last time before she headed to the airport, a picture from our first trip to the Surgery came flashing back. From the time we all arrived on Saturday to this particular moment on Monday, Josie would go only to her mama. To be honest, she would have very little to do with Mike. Therefore, he usually sat in the front of the car, talking with our driver Wilson. However, after they received the shocking news about Josie and headed back to the van, I witnessed Mike, with silent tears trickling down his face, cradling this precious girl in his arms. Without any explanation, instead of sitting in the front, Mike quietly sat next to Suzanne in the back of the van and would not let his little girl go. I am not Mike, so I have no idea what thoughts were running through his mind; I only know what I saw: a person who had gone from a man adopting an orphaned child to a Daddy holding and rocking HIS little girl. The transformation was remarkable…and brought about by sheer pain and suffering. There is a lesson for all of us in this picture: pain is hard and seldom welcomed, yet it is the catalyst that God uses for our growth and deeper capacity to love. This trip has been very painful on many levels, and yet God is using this pain to teach me many lessons and to draw me in deeper relationship with Him and others, in particular Asher.
On a different note, today was a turning point for me. With the news that Danny would be coming on Tuesday, my spirits immediately were lifted. I cannot explain it: his coming has not changed our wait, it has not changed the adjustments with Asher, it has not changed the burden I am feeling for all of my friends who are adopting and waiting, and yet my spirit has been lifted. Danny is truly a source of strength and encouragement to me. I know he will love playing and running around with Asher, he will welcome every new sight and smell, and he will love all the kind people of Uganda…it will be a joy to share it all with him. I want to thank our dear friends (you know who you are!) who even made it possible. You are family to us. Sometimes I feel as though you are the parents who continually pour into their children with no expectation of anything in return and we are the children who, as much as we appreciate you and love you, have very little to give in return. Please know how much we love you and how thankful we are to have you as friends who will walk with us through life. You have been the hands and feet of Jesus to us.
I am headed to bed now…I must confess that it is a little strange being in this wing of the hotel all by myself. Over the past week, we have had Mark and Carly, Mike and Suzanne, Mary Pat, and Renee all staying on this hall, laughing and crying at different times. Tonight it is rather quiet. The good news is that Asher went to bed without any real fuss, the first time in a few nights. Hopefully, he is settling into the routine. I plan on getting out these next few days and visiting some new friends. Thank you to Michelle and Lori and all those sweet souls who are reaching out to me and Asher. You too have been such a source of encouragement!
Thanks to Sally and all those friends back home who are minding the gap as Danny leaves to come to Uganda. You are so appreciated! If any of my students are still reading at this point, I miss you guys. Hope you are being good for Mrs. Wampler. I cannot wait to get home and get knee-deep in ANIMAL FARM and another essay! You just wait!
I’ll post again when Danny gets here. Love you all!